Friday, May 27, 2011

Remembering the Purple Iris

Yesterday as I walked toward work under a dark sky, I looked ahead at the way I needed to go... I saw a staircase and sighed with weariness as I contemplated what I needed to walk towards and through in my day. The lowering clouds seemed to underline the weight I carried... I happened to be walking with a friend, a very dear friend, who noticed some deep purple irises planted by the way we were walking... she said, "Oh, I need to smell those!" her exuberance drew me along in its wake... I too smelled the iris and said "It smells like purple" because I had heard her say this of the smell of iris before. She smile and noted the ruffly edge of each petal and murmured "God is SO extravagant!" I smiled and as we parted I carried the memory of that iris with me... still had to walk up those stairs into the darkness of my day, nothing of the circumstances of what I had to carry would change... but I did carry the smell of purple with me as I walked....


  1. Love this, Michelle. Irises have always been my favorite flower since I was a child picking them on my walks to the wood. The smell is still intoxicating, and I'm grateful that this spring I have some of my own. Been too busy, though, to actually stop and smell them, but now I will. Grateful for this moment you had with your friend and your sharing it in this way, a gift both received and given anew :)

  2. I passed an older woman who was walking down the hill as I walked up it... she had on a pink raincoat, bright blue pants and a lime green rain hat... She greeted me, pointed to the sky and said, "I don't like the look if that." I told her that I didn't either, but when she got to the bottom of the hill she should go and look at those purple irises... she enthusiastically said, "I will!" I complimented her on her colorful outfit and as we parted ways I thought how the joy of that moment was shared and passed on... and now to you as well... I hope you do go smell those irises!

    Love you dearly... thanks for writing and encouraging me as often as you do!


