Sunday, June 7, 2009


I noticed the last post was March 8th.... MARCH! It is nearly three full months later and I cannot recall where the time has gone.... I'd like to be able to recall the words spoken in church this morning.... where did they go? 

Listen, listen, listen echoes in my mind... listening for the Holy Spirit. Each of us is an original... living with an ear to how we are to live out of our uniqueness.... turning from the life of "shoulds" and "oughts" and "have tos" and searching for His voice in the midst of where do I pour out my love today? Where do I give myself, my giftedness, my perspective, my words, time, energy, money, attention??? It's all His anyway. He created me. He gave me all that I have... it's not mine... not my time, my money, my energy to save or squander or spend on myself, my comforts.... I long to be more like Him.. to actually love others the way He does... to have His eyes towards the people He has placed around me.

The words the Tragic Gap (via Parker Palmer) also emerge from my memory... holding the tension between what IS and the POSSIBILITY of what might be in our hearts... I don't like tension usually and living with it constantly sounds even less appealing, but what is the alternative? It seems that the cost of not being willing to learn this is too high... way to high.

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