Saturday, February 21, 2015

According to Matthew 23, greed and self-indulgence are the opposite of justice and mercy and faithfulness...what does that mean in my story? How do I, like the woman at the well, fill my emptiness, my thirst, with things other than you?

How might denying myself, instead of indulging, help me to move towards true justice and mercy and faithfulness?

What might my eyes see that they are currently blinded to by my self-indulgence?

How might your Spirit within me be freed to pour out love and life towards others?

What choices can I make today to experience this truth? 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing will come from the Lord,…." Acts 3:19

Turn to God. How do I do that? 

Is it a 90 degree movement of my head and heart from the path I see ahead,  that I am choosing to walk, to turn to him at either my right (probably) or left side and look full at him, not at what is in front of me, not at what I think I need to DO or choose or consume my time/energy with, to turn to him?

Is it really that simple? Are you really RIGHT THERE beside me? 

All I need do is turn, forsake my own knowledge/understanding and lean on you? Lean into you? Just LOOK at you? Refocus my gaze on you and what you are about than on MY (path/choices/agenda/wisdom/knowledge/schedule/to do list/understanding)???

Really, that's ALL? 

That is everything you require of me?

If you truly are everything to me, what else should I be looking at/focusing on/choosing? If you truly ALL that matters, why not look only, always, ever at you?

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus/ look full in his wonderful face/ and the things of earth will grow strangely dim/ in the light of his glory and grace."

The words of the song reflect something of this truth.
