Monday, December 8, 2014

We often hear the saying, "God is good." 

While I don't deny the truth of that, a phrase that comforts me more is, "God is God." 

I think that my notion of what is "good for me" gets tangled in the truth. 

For some reason saying, "God is God" reminds me of his holiness, 

his "other"ness. 

He is not like us, he is love… 

and not our understanding of what love is or what we think would be loving. 

This calls me to something MORE…the question of "who is this God?"

Yes, I think he is good and loving, but perhaps my understanding of those words are inaccurate…
it is worth considering WHO he is.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Play and Discovery

It is now December...I just reread the post I wrote in July and was thinking how grateful I am for the small ways in which he invites me to search for him...that I have opportunities to see him in the world all around me….

Here is another unpublished draft dated Dec. 4th, 2013. Already I see the change in perspective from practicing thanking God for things each day.
I've taken up the challenge of thanking God each day for His small gifts to me...I want to form the spiritual discipline of being attentive…

This post was created as a draft on July 13, 2012 but never published…found it today and was amazed that I have been working at this practice of gratefulness for over two years…and my life has changed…I have changed, for that I am truly grateful!
